Project Duration:
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
The Objective:
Let's celebrate Animal Crossing's 20th anniversary! Nintendo's Animal Crossing is in need of a motion piece that illustrates and communicates their 20 years of development of fun!
Let's celebrate Animal Crossing's 20th anniversary! Nintendo's Animal Crossing is in need of a motion piece that illustrates and communicates their 20 years of development of fun!
The Approach:
Previously, I had created a motion piece, to the right, illustrating the history timeline of Nintendo's Animal Crossing. That video was intended to communicate the timeline as interactive and played on a Nintendo device. It was imagined to be a special event day programmed in the game itself and the developed avatar walks the viewer through the day.
This new video's objective was to create a more concise video. This would be imagined for a social media post, highlighted on the website, or used for other promotional material. These promotional materials could be used in a campaign with the upcoming anniversary celebration in the game. I took feedback from the previous video and applied those findings to the new video; for example, appropriate timing for increased text readability. If I were to make further changes, I would add upbeat music to correlate with the motion.
Process Work
Storyboard: Re-Imagine

Previous Motion Infographic